Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Only In Australia

Just when I think Australia can't get even weirder I am proven wrong once again. I am officially impressed with you Australia. There is no reason why you should exist on the face of this good Earth but you do as a symbol of the human spirit and the desire to endure and adapt. Canadians are a lot like that. But GOD DAMN, SEA FOAM?? FREAKIN' SEA FOAM?? It could only be worse if the sea foam gave people super powers. It wouldn't surprise me. Who would have ever guessed SEA FOAM??? Why are people playing in this goop? It could be toxic...just festering offshore until it hit a current that allowed it to contaminate the seashore during a cyclone.


Belle said...

Australia gets hit with everything! I've never heard of sea foam before.

Kal said...

Who would ever think of something like Sea Foam? It's like all the washing machines overflowed at the exact same time.

GC said...


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Looks like what happens when people put dish soap in public fountains. They used to do that all the time in Winnipeg anyway. I've never seen it done here in Edmonton.