Thursday, June 27, 2013

Batman Year One - House Ads

Why can't comics be this good anymore?


j-swin said...

comics can't be that good anymore because instead of focusing on epic mythologies and amazing art, the big two spend their time thinking of how they can make a mass story that crosses over every title they publish and the 75 variant covers that go along with them. and like lemmings we buy two of every issue...

Kal said...

I agree. I remember this Batman-Year One and the part where the bats save him from the Gotham police was as epic as it was in Batman Begins.

j-swin said...

yeah, seems like most stuff that came out after x-men #1 (90's) is just a bunch of fluff.

just wanted to say that i really enjoy your blog, i visit at least 4 or 5 times a day.

you and i are of a kind. in a different reality i could have called you..."friend".

Kal said...

And the fact that I get that reference is another reason we would be friends in real life.

j-swin said...

seriously, everything you post, i'm into: comics, pop culture, redheads...all gold, my man!