Friday, January 2, 2015

I Think I Will Be Puking My Guts Up Now

This gigantic salamander was filmed crawling along a path near the Kyoto river in Japan. Daytime sightings of the nocturnal critters, which can be up to 5 feet long, are reportedly rare.


Dr. Theda said...

This creature and the (Much smaller) Hell-Bender Salamander (found only just south of here ... are the Only Amphibians who have a mouthful of Teeth....
... Frogs and toads have two small teeth in the roof of their mouth (to scrape off their tongue and allowing it to separate "Prey" from any debris captured along with it)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Mutants like that are not right. I am surprised that the Japanese do not eat them too.

Dr. Theda said...

They produce a coating of foul mucus to "deter" being "eaten"....
very rare to one out of the water....

Professor Chaos said...

Oh dear God! Well, we had a nice run at the top of the food chain.

j-swin said...

i'm not trying to sound like a smart ass, but it always seems like japan pumps out the giant reptiles, amphibians or sea life. you never hear about giant rats or marmots scurrying about.

Unknown said...

This is nightmare fuel!

Dr. Theda said...

One of the funniest things I have ever seen was on a HBO "Nature" show (around 1980) and a 4 foot one of these swallowed a Large fish (nearly 3 feet long... Well , the Fish did Not "take well " to having just been swallowed Alive... The Fish "goes off" and begins thrashing about this poor critter as it tries to walk on across the stream bottom.....

Unknown said...

Holy crap! That thing is huge.

Mike D. said...
