Sunday, April 1, 2018

Another Reason I Love The EXPANSE Plus Other Shows I Recommend

Chrisjen Avasarala is a master politician and maneuverer who has achieved one of the highest ranks in UN government without ever standing for election. She will do anything it takes, and pay any price, to defend Earth, which she sees as the cradle of humanity. Yeh she works hard to preserve the peace for Mars and the Belters as well. She knows the only lasting solution must benefit all three. And she will do all this while fighting the conspiracy which will surely doom them all. They try to kill her near the end of each season but the old girl hasn't gone down yet. I REALLY am digging her performance as well as the performances of all the other female characters. They are so much more than others give them credit for but each is smart enough how to turn a character flaw of others into an advantage in any sticky situation.

THE EXPANSE is so good that you should have your TV taken away from you if you haven't been watching the first two seasons. I know you like to scoff and ignore all the best stuff that I have encouraged you Huckleberries to see like MATADOR, CROSSBONES, and the movie FRAILTY, None of you have take a single recommendation so that we could maybe talk about it. So I hope there will be at least ONE fan of the EXPANSE amongst my silent followers.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I finally saw on TV one of the movies you recommended -- "The Professional." It was great! Loved it. Didn't know Natalie Portman played the little girl but she did a marvelous job. As did Jean Reno as Leon.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

She was only 13 at the time. One of my all time favorites. Luc Besson.

DrGoat said...

Great flick, and Gary Oldman plays the part of a psycho cop most excellently. I'm an Expanse fan. That and Dark Matter.

DrGoat said...

April 11th I think for season 3.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Oldman was so good which is why it was so satifying to see when Leon takes him out. All for Matilda.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Nobody plays a psycho quite like Gary Oldman. I liked the ending too.