Monday, January 28, 2019

It's Better Than That

No, you don't understand. she also comes with a case with her symbol embossed on it. Then you open it up and it's a tiny make-up mirror and the whole case can be attached to a band you can wear on your wrist! I shit you not. I saw it. I touched it. And Pat did all the stickers perfectly because a 6 year old would only botch the job and it was important to get right. I never, ever get the coolest Kinder Toy in the line. That kind of thing never happens to me. But I am just being bitter. Ella was fabulous to hang out with. The kid is a smile come to life.


DrGoat said...

For some bogus reason, we can't get the real Kinder eggs here in the US. Just lame ones with worthless pieces of plastic inside. Figures.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...
