Monday, February 3, 2020

Frank Cho Batgirl Statue


jester59388 said...

I have the same issue with this one that I had with the Adam Hughes Batgirl statue -- I don't like "cute" gags in my superhero statues. I prefer an action pose or something more traditional. Liberty Meadows? Yes, that would be different because that was a humor strip (and an absolutely BRILLIANT one!).

(And Frank, if you're reading this, PLEASE FINISH LIBERTY MEADOWS!! You LITERALLY left us standing at the alter, ferChrissake!! Are you trying to completely George R.R. Martin us? Jesus, if it's about money, if you started a Kickstarter campaign, I'm sure it would be funded in a day!)

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I agree with you about Liberty Meadows. What a great strip that was.