Saturday, April 16, 2011

Skulls And Bones

I was going through my image file and found a whole colletion of skeleton pictures. I don't know why but the human skeleton fascinates me. I as sure academics have an explanation why that is so. As a kid I remember just staring at the models they kept in the science classroom and touching them whenever I could


D.I. Felipe González said...

The skull from Sinaloa is a sad reminder for the narcoviolence we have in México.
You can see a "Santo Malverde" (the saint patron of drug dealers) in his neck tie.

Unknown said...

That last photo makes me sad.

Kal said...

Why. Maybe they died together as a family when the marshmallow plant exploded during a tour.

Valerie said...

It is kind of creepy but that second from the left one looks like he is smiling.

CkretsGalore said...

I like.

I also have an apron with skulls and roses.

Sarah said...

The centaur skeleton made me squeal!

Kal said...

I am glad I still have the ability to affect you. Haven't heard from you in awhile. Hope all is well.