Saturday, November 24, 2012

Early Morning Captions



Jordan said...

"Benny the Crocodile!" This should be a series. I love that he refers to himself, mentally, by his full title; I love the suggestion that there's an ongoing, perennial struggle between the nitwit day care center staff (who put up barbed wire!) and "Benny the Crocodile" (and that he always wins); I love the sheer lunacy of the entire premise.

Kal said...

Thank you. I had the same thought. I need to pitch this concept to Disney. Toddlers eaten by amphibians is a winning idea.

Jordan said...

A whole series of smug thought balloons! "Well, they're right...nobody could get past these sentries to menace the children. Except Benny the Crocodile."

He'd have to not actually be that dangerous -- just persistent and annoying. You'd keep glimpsing him out the day care center windows, tirelessly sneaking across the asphalt or dropping out of a tree by accident.

Kal said...

And sometimes he would wear different hats thinking he was fooling people because a hat, of course, is the perfect disguise or so he thinks. It would be so much easier for him to seek out normal crocodile food but this has become PERSONAL and he isn't going anywhere until he's eaten every damned kid in the building.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That's such a sweet picture of the little girl playing chess with her cat.

Kelly Sedinger said...

I don't know if it's because I just watched the movie The Edge the other day, but that bear just cracks me up.