Tuesday, May 29, 2018

She Can't Be Three Feet From Me All Week

This can't be a good thing because to be honest with you all, we have very different politcal views. Just let me say that for a WHITE cat her political leanings predictably align with various Nazi and White Supremicist groups. I have seen the bookmarks on my I-Pad. And the web sites she visits. See shuns all black recording artists in my music collection. She celebrated for three days when Bill Cosby was convicted of rape not because of what he did but because he was black. She had no idea who Cosby was as an entertainer. I know she is only staying close in case I try to express my righteous progressive snowflake rage against all the right wing evils in this world. She hates that because if she hates ONE thing more than any other it's when I most always right in my opinion. She thinks that she can distract me with her cute and break my train of thought. But I know the other side of this cat. I have scars all over my hands to prove it. She has many weapons to suppress the truth.

She is mad at me because I won't let her tweet support for Roseanne. #myracistcat.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

NOOOOOOOOOO! First Roseanne, now the Baroness -- SAY IT ISN'T SO!

DrGoat said...

Yes, the shadow lurks close by. Good way to keep your eye on it though. Better with you than out there, with her own radio talk show. Battling each other throughout eternity, like Bele and Lokai in that Star Trek episode.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

She was on the mean streets for four years. Who knows what kinds of philsophies she was exposed to. She could have been Morman which is worst because then she would be racist and stupid. I can fix the racism.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I am not running down that endless hallway for any cat, no matter how much I love her, Dr G.

DrGoat said...

Don't blame you. That looked like hell.