Thursday, July 2, 2009

Linda Stasi - You Go Girl!

OMG this is a pretty hard hitting commentary on the death of Michael Jackson by Linda Stasi of the New York Post. I just included the first paragraph and actually I found reading the whole column to be cathartic. She hits all the high points that if we chose to admit it, we all think and believe. During his whole life he was allowed by those around him to indulge his every whim while having his sins forgiven by his 'fans' who could find no fault in this false prophet. If you are interested in the complete article follow the link below.


"You'd have thought by the media lovefest that the pope had died a tragic death after a lifetime of caring for lepers. But, no, it was the death of Michael Jackson, a drug-addled, creepy-beyond-words, accused pedophile who literally bought his children with the help of two brood mares and, apparently, his dermatologist -- a group of amoral savages who had no problem giving their kids to a man who looked like the Phantom of the Opera and who behaved like a depraved worm."


Anonymous said...

MJ was weird, no doubt about that. But the whole 'pedophilia' thing wasn't proven. Anyway, that article seems kinda harsh. And not to nitpick but the Pope is no saint either, despite his title.

Wings1295 said...

Harsh, but maybe not all too untrue.

I read a quote from Stephen Colbert that sums up how, I think, many feel:

“We’ll always have good memories of the legendary performer, providing your memories stop around 1989.”

My brother said to change the year to early 1993, and it works still.

Anyway, the MJ of the 70s and 80s was gone a LONG time ago.

Sad, could have had a great life.

Phronk said...

I dunno about that. My memories of MJ in the 90s and 2000s aren't really good, but he was certainly interesting. And mostly just really sad. That documentary where he was interviewed and followed around, and revealed how awkward and creepy he is, it just made me feel bad for him. Stardom and a bad childhood just ruined him.

And I'm assuming he's innocent until proven guilty with the kid stuff. From everything I've seen, it seems like he had an unusual relationship with children, but not one that ever hurt them.

I think the real tragedy was that he was about to do his comeback tour. He could have really blown everyone away with one last concert series and gone out on a high note. Instead, he'll be remembered with this ambiguous mix of good, bad, and indifference.

Nicole said...

Ha that's funny... I prefer not to look too far into this thing. =D