Monday, July 6, 2009

My Movie Bucket List - The Other 14

Entertainment Weekly Online posted a list of the 14 movies that Will Ferrel thought everyone should see before they die...sort of a 'bucket list' of films if you will. Follow the link to see his. Here are my 'must sees' in no particular order.

1. Donnie Darko
2. V for Vendetta
3. Tombstone
4. Golden Voyage of Sinbad
5. Thirteenth Warrior
6. Dr. Strangelove
7. The Matrix
8. Legends of the Fall
9. Mask of Zorro
10. Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon

Since I had posted my top comfort films earlier I tried to think outside my normal lists or lists that everyone would automatically create. So these are my additional 14 favourites. Feel free to post yours.

1. To Kill A Mockingbird
2. Ten Commandments
3. Dark City
4. Blood of Heroes
5. Back to the Future
6. Robocop
7. Map of the Human Heart
8. Jumanji
9. Three Amigos
10 The One
11. Cutting Edge
12. Goldfinger
13. Hoosiers
14. The Great Escape

1 comment:

Wings1295 said...

Great lists, Cal! I saw a few of those on your recommendations!

My list would have a definite skew towards horror, but also some oldies. Hmmm.....