Monday, January 11, 2010

Ella Morton And Cookie Monster

I was always totally impressed with the way that Cookie Monster is such a fully formed character - he is magnificently self aware. For a puppet whose sole purpose in life is to eat cookies, he has really branched out and did alot with what little he was given to work with. Make no mistake, he is no 'one trick pony'. I get the feeling he could converse with you on a wide array of subjects were you to be at a party with him. He is a true Renaissance puppet. Oh, and the WOMEN he must get. That soft blue fur and those bouncing googly eyes? How can they resist him?


Sam G said...

Cookie Monster is my favorite....well, Cookie Monster and Oscar. You ever see the Martha Stewart episode where she was baking cookies with Cookie Monster? Funny as hell. I think it's on Youtube.

Wings1295 said...


Om Nom Nom Nom Nom!!!