Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I Feel Like This Guy Felt 30 Seconds After This Picture Was Taken - EPIC FAIL!

I managed to walk 1045 steps which put little or no dent on my virtual Hawaiian Islands Trek before I got a cramp and had to stop. I will be lucky to make it to the water between the first two virtual islands before the virtual sharks and the virtual squid and the virtual jellyfish have at my virtual ass. You are suppose to do at least 10,000 steps a day. I can't even get to a tenth of that. I would hope for my heart to fail but that would deprive me of all the joy and self esteem I am feeling right now and we just can't have THAT, can we?

Selena has given up on me.

This kitty is enjoying my failure WAY too much.

And Jr Judgement Bear? Well...you can guess what she is doing behind that rock.


Leviathud said...

You at least you started; which is a lot more than many people do. Don't give up. You dont rip all eight arms off your very first octopus.. you attack one arm at a time. Keep going and a ,metaphorically speaking, octopus free ocean is yours for the taking!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

That is the best thing I have heard all week. Thanks for the boost.

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

Selena believes in you. I know she does. She's cool like dat.

Wings1295 said...

Did you break your experiment and leave the house to do the walking?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I didn't need to leave the house. We have a nice treadmill. Told you. I have no reason to go out of this house for anything. Gotta love living in a modern world.

vancouver mark said...

Just asking . . .

perhaps the apparent fixation with the younguns has maybe perhaps sapped you of your uh stamina...

I'd suggest that this could be another reason for Selena to give up on you, but that would be mean so I wont do that . . .