Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Baby Star Wars

Of course the young Princess would grab Chewbacca the first second she had a hairbrush in her hands. I hear girls are just like that. Chewie would never admit it but I think he enjoyed their sleepovers.


Megan said...

I had the foot-long Princess Leia and there were ALL KINDS of hair styles included in the owner's manual.

Yeah, well, I just hit myself on the head the minute I unrolled those ear bobs. Because it was never going back. And there was no way I was making it look like any of those other things. And there was no way I could ever get it back.


I think I'm just looking for things to wig out about right about now. Sorry, man...

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

See I would have just bought Danishes and slapped them on the side of her head every couple of weeks.

Why the need to wig out?

Wings1295 said...

Cute stuff!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I love how there is NO ONE that is happier or more pleased with themselves than Chewbacca - who knew he cared so much about his appearance - the fancy boy