Thursday, May 20, 2010

The News That I Am Popular Has Been Greatly Exaggerated

Well it appears that my spike in visitors earlier in the week has added up to a big fat zero. Seems that most of those who visited didn't like what they saw enough to stay around, comment or follow.

I danced for them like a good dancing monkey should. I showed them my soul but they rejected the gesture. If not for those of you who enjoy my humble efforts here at the 'Cave of Cool', I would crash to the Earth - a broken man without purpose.

Instead of more love I have acquired a real live enemy that comments on another site that I visit regularly. Somehow this person finds the time to bash everything I say. No one else in the comment section is attacked. For some reason he/she wants to vent his/her anger at me and only me.

I ask you gentle readers - have you ever known me to attack anyone in my comments section here or at any other blog? I just don't roll that way. The people who comment on my posts get the joke. They are in on the fun and I love people like that. Even those who say something they know will get a rise out of me do it with the best of intentions. They are never that cruel or malicious.

I hate not being able to return the volley to this stupid person but I don't use someone else's blog to fight my battles. This of course will come to a surprise to anyone who follows TS' blog. I act the fool there all the time but it's with permission and all in good fun.

In this case, all I can do is sit on my hands. Not a position I am comfortable with. I so want to turn my rapier wit at this person's jugular vein.


Sam G said...

Aw Man. Don't let the @$*&! get you down. You're the best.

Ravyn said...

I think you should start a story about this person...make it up as you go what is in their background that makes them so nasty, and why they have chosen you to confront! I think it'd be cool, right Cal? LOL

Also, just because comments aren't made, doesn't mean the people don't enjoy themselves reading your work - a lot of the time when I read them I am at work and supposed to be working but taking a break and I don't have much time to write - I always say that I will write when I get home - especially on something I find awesome, but, being my age, I forget.

Who are you? LOL

Laura said...

Awww Cal. :(
I'm so sorry to hear that you've been having trouble with someone. Believe me, I've been there as well. I even thought about closing my blog down. In the end, I just disabled the anonymous comments. That did the trick ... until someone with a blog took me on for awhile. :P
Then all of my friends got mad and ran him off...

I'm not sure why some people feel the need to be mean. If you don't like somebody's blog.. move along! There are thousands more out there.

I love your blog and while I don't always comment on everything, I usually get the jokes and have a chuckle.
Just keep on doing what you love.
It's YOUR blog and you have many Followers so.. you're doing something right!

((Hugs))*with a titty press to make you feel better!

Reis O'Brien said...

Dude. You worry way too much about comments and hits how many posts you've made and all of that crap. None of it matters. That's not why we do this.

Just blog.

M. D. Jackson said...

The only thing in the world worse than being talked about is not being talked about.

Besides, every great hero needs a nemesis, right? Look at it this way, you've hit the big time when you start accumulating enemies as well as friends. And you have many more friends.

Margaret Benbow said...

Your enemy makes his nasty comments because he is jealous of you and your extraordinary blog. You should pity the poor little stunted humunculous.

Drake said...

The person is jealous, no one is as cool as you Cal.
Got your back brother!

MJenks said...

I get a lot of stuff like that, too: lots of hits, few comments. I'm just happy someone's staying for more than one second.

DrGoat said...

Keep up the good fight Cal. Besides, this person is probably one of the many idiots this country seems to harbor. I know, I live in Arizona.

chunky B said...

Who cares what people leave in comments, they're just jealous, remember "there must always be a cave of cool"

Hoserbluenoser said...

Hi! If it makes you feel better you've gained one new lurker. Your site was linked from Monkeyfilter and I never miss an opportunity to poke through a site and see whats on tap. See ya in the comments!

D.I. Felipe González said...

You have my support (and sarcasm, if you need it) from the subtropical regions of México.

Pat Tillett said...

You are kind, creative, funny, and supportive of others. Don't waste your time on that A-hole.

You are also mega-popular.

Cheeseboy said...

What a sad existence that person lives.

Pearl said...

Cal that is a HUGE number of hits a day! I'm lucky if I hit 180!

As for whoever is trashing you -- and frankly I would be interested in seeing this -- it's quite possible that they just don't get you. Me, I think you're pretty damn funny.


Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

My people are the best. Thanks gang. I will set an extra dozen or more plates for dinner.

TS Hendrik said...

If it makes you feel any better, your sluggish traffic days destroys my best.

Who's the agitator? It's not that anonymous is it?

MC said...

Yeah, you are destroying me on your average days by a factor of 8 to 1.