Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Miss This Comic - Batman Adventures

Drawn by Bruce Timm, it had the best version of Batgirl from the animated series of the same name. I would love to see 'Batgirl - Year One' drawn in this style. I know DC has the feature film in their pipeline but it can't come too soon for me.


Sam G said...

Right on. I miss it too.

chunky B said...

I have actually met people who do not care for Bruce Timm's style, I am not one of them I totally would love to see more of Batgirl from Mr. Timm!

Anonymous said...

You probably already know this, and yes I know that the picture you have posted is from the brilliant Bruce Timm, but I'm pretty sure that most of the early and greatest issues of Batman Adventures where actually drawn by the remarkably talented Mike Parobek, who very sadly died in 1996 because of complications from Diabetes... But.. either way. yes. I miss that comic as well. (mike from american comicon on tumblr).

Kal said...

Thanks for reminding me of that. Mike Parobek was very talented and I miss his stuff. Thanks for your comment.

Darius Whiteplume said...

To me, the best thing about all the "Kiddie Comics" that were out at that time is they did not have any story arc. You could pick a random comic and read it without reading the previous twenty, nor other titles. Just like a tv episode, and a lot like Conan the Barbarian always was.

I like Timm's stuff a lot too, and he does do a great Batgirl.

Ben Varkentine said...

I've said it before, and I'll say it again: If I could live in any "comic world," I'd want it to be Timm's.

brandykruse said...

Here, here Anonymous! (or is it 'hear, hear'?) for Mike Parobek. BT is the man but it's criminal how overlooked Parobek has become. His run on Batman adventures are some of the greatest comics of all time. OF ALL TIME!