Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Vladimir Putin - The Coolest Man In the World

The position of Prime Minister, that this former head of the KGB had, was just holding him back from doing all kinds of bad ass stuff.

First he swam with dolphins and wrestled bears. Next he went shirtless on horseback in Siberia and killed all men set against him with a silver caviar bowl.

He has been known to wake up before sunrise to swim in a lava pool. He treated himself for multiple bullet wounds on multiple occasions and has a mini-sub that he piloted to the bottom of Lake Baikal.

Now he is flying a water bomber to fight the forest fires that are burning Russia to death. He may be a commie but this sum' bitch knows how to get shit DONE. Putin for CANADIAN PM!


The Etruscan said...

Well, at his time, Benito Mussolini surely was the coolest man in the world, doing basically the same things...
Difference is, today we know what a douchebag he really was.

And Putin for Canadian P.M.? Take him, he's yours! The Russians would be glad to be rid of him!

DrGoat said...

Well, I think the part about flying the plane to fight the fires is BS. He only did it after 2 weeks of doing nothing and the people started to get pissed off. Yeah, he does put on a show, not unlike our politicians.

Kal said...

Oh I am sure he is a murderous prick who knows where all the skeletons are buried. I just like seeing him in these activities that you would never see a western politician doing. Russia is such a young democracy that you can understand why this stuff works. They have never seen their leaders having to develop an IMAGE in order to get elected and I find the IMAGE he is trying to project to be fascinating. As a Russian leader I like him because he will adapt to change if only to preserve his power.

squidly said...

Have you seen the photo of Putin as a KGB 'undercover' when Pres. Reagan was visiting Russia? Not more than 6 feet away from each other and the Secret Service had no idea...

Kal said...

It would have been cool to be a fly on the wall at that de-briefing.

vancouver mark said...

If international disputes between nations were all resolved in hand-to-hand combat between we'd have been speaking Russian for some time now.

vancouver mark said...

"between the leaders" that should say

they should do a Nick Fury/Putin crossover .