Friday, October 15, 2010

I Love Australia

Except for all the hundreds of creatures that just want to kill me. It amazes me that anyone survives the weekend in that place. If you ever need to know why I prefer life in the tundra, you only have to make a list of how few animals have it out for me. Most of the ones that do are large and easily avoided if I just stay indoors and don't wear a meat dress in the woods.


Pat Tillett said...

That was pretty funny! I still want to go someday...maybe...

Kal said...

I have been twice. It's beautiful but deadly. And you know that every creature has me in their crosshairs. It's a huge continent but that 'surrounded by water' thing always freaked me out.

Bubbashelby said...

"It amazes me that anyone survives the weekend in that place." Funny!

Tempo said...

Yeah, it all bites..but what do you expect if you stick ya finger in it's gob?
I could go outside right now and find at least 20 or more Red Back Spiders right here in my surburban back yard...know how many times I've been bitten by one?
Thats right! never!!

Nick Ward said...

A mere three hour flight from Australia is New Zealand. A beautiful country that has no snakes, crocs, dangerous insects or sharks. And our only poisonous spider is has almost died out. I think there's two left. Oh and we weren't settled by convicts. Also Weta has just posted a one word status update on their Facebook page - "greenlit"

Kal said...

The next time I am in your part of the world I am going to NZ for sure. I can do without two weeks with my sister. And I assume GREENLIT means we will see a version of the HOBBIT filmed in your part of Middle Earth?

Tom said...

I totally agree with you. In the tundra you only have to watch for wolves or bears, in Australia there are thousands of deadly creatures. As much as I like the people and the area, I'd be afraid to go anywhere but the opera house.

Kal said...

Freakin' place is like being in the Thunderdome. One man enters but he never leaves.