Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Why My Mom Is Cooler Than Yours

Newsman - "Many Canadians like the warmer weather that comes with global climate change."

Mom (yelling from the kitchen) - "Won't somebody think of the Polar bears?" (I SO wish she had said - "Won't someone PLEASE think of the Polar Bears")

You should know also that she has only seen one episode of the Simpsons. The one about Australia, which I showed her before she left to visit my sister who lives there so my mother knew what to expect.

I remember she told my dad he wasn't getting any of those giant beers. When she left I told her not to get into trouble or they might have to 'boot' her in the ass. From that day she believes the Simpsons lied to her. That famous line by Mrs Lovejoy must have just seeped into her consciousness.


TS Hendrik said...

That's pretty fantastic alright.

Sebastian Black said...

I found a quote that is marginally relevant:

"I didn't get to see dinosaurs, so I'm okay if my kid doesn't get to see polar bears."

Just felt the compulsion to share. (What? You mentioned the bears.)

Cheeseboy said...

The Simpsons never lie.

Pat Tillett said...

I think they're already extinct here...

Kal said...

Let's hope, those Californian Polar bears are especially judgemental.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Is your Mom cooler than you, Cal? If so, convince her to make a post in your blog.
Maybe global warming is caused by not so cool boreal people.