Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Don't Trust Her

The fact that she just came out of a SPACESHIP should be a major red flag. But like any male you will ignore the warning signs because she laughed at your jokes and has blonde hair. The aliens have your number. You deserve to be experimented on, ya goober.


DrGoat said...

I'd take that chance. She might be lonely and want company roving around the galaxy.

M. D. Jackson said...
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M. D. Jackson said...

Admit it, Cal: If she climbed out of the spaceship wearing a batman tee-shirt, you'd be alien breakfast by now.

See, I wouldn't fall for it. Not because I'm any smarter than any other male on the planet... it's just if the aliens didn't kill me, my wife certainly would.

(Previous comment removed due to atrocious spelling)

Kal said...

That isn't fair. Everyone knows that a Batman symbol t-shirt is my kryptonite. And she would have to be a brunette...with auburn highlights. (If I am gonna dream let me get specific.)

I have a feeling that your wife would INVENT interplanetary space travel just to hunt you down. Somehow that image seems correct to me.

Budd said...

She is hot, she can't be evil.

Maybe she will take me to one of those planets where I am the only male.

Kal said...

Those all women planets never work out like you think they will. They have found ways to work around not having a man so all you get to do is heavy lifting and spider killing. All you can do is disappoint them. That is all I need - a million women mad at me.

DrGoat said...

I'm already killing spiders & lifting stuff.
Actually, I let most of the spiders go except the black widows. Job security.

Unknown said...

I gotta admit. I'd be easy pickings for her. How sad is that? I mean, I know it's probably a trap, I know there's gonna be orifices involved somewhere here, but I'm still hoping for the right orifices.

Word Verification: woode
