Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Riddle Me This

Do you ever wonder what a qualified mental health worker would think of your blog or tumblr if they were asked to just look at them and render a medical judgement on the person who created it? Would you agree or disagree with their expert analysis? Would it affect what you posted or didn't post? Would you turn off the computer and walk away forever or dive further into your obsession? I think about that sometimes. Then I think about zebras.


Bubbashelby said...

I would only disagree with their assessment if they said I was perfectly sane.

Drake said...

I would be insulted if my tumblr was considered normal!

Tempo said...

Everyone knows the males are black with white stripes and the females are white with black stripes...

M. D. Jackson said...

"Can you not see the difference between us? I'm black with white stripes on the right. He's white with black stripes on the right. All his kind are white with black stripes on the right..."