Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Congratulations America

Seems you are giving yourself the screwgie again by refusing to cut your military spending but instead cut programs that help the poorest of your people. WTF is everyone smoking on Capital Hill? It's all such a farce and Obama is a huge part of it. Spending cuts to the rich? A freeze in public spending to 2008 levels? No money for infrastructure and high speed rail? You are all so fucked and remember I thought you were fucked BEFORE all this new bullshit. But there is some good news. That fighter plane program that you don't need (and the Pentagon doesn't want) is still going to be built in Speaker Boehner's district so he will be just fine.

Of course this is all in the wacky House of Representatives and the Senate will stop some of this bullshit but COME ON. Is ANYONE thinking or caring in Washington? How do you let this shit happen to you?


Super-Duper ToyBox said...

What can I really do? I fire every one of those scumbags every election, and another one takes his place. it is absolute INSANITY.

Kal said...

I feel for ya. I now totally understand how people can rock back and forth in a dark room while holding their guns and talking to themselves - especially when you have to hear one side just blatantly LIE to you and not even make an attempt to make those lies believable.

Belle said...

It is now a country of the rich, by the rich and for the rich.

I think Obama is a good man pitted against very evil and powerful men. And also, some Democrats have voted against what he has wanted. I think it is just hopeless in the land of "Rule by Corporations".

Lazarus Lupin said...

The people spoke a few months back and now politicians are feeling what the public wants with all the accuracy of fortune telling with your hands knee deep in a goat's intestines. "Wild" spending didn't "Work" so now the over correction begins.

Lazarus Lupin
art and review

Unknown said...

We certainly do have a mess in Washington. I wish I knew an answer to the problem but as long as those idiots from both parties just concentrate on fighting each other instead of helping the country the mess will continue. I don't like the feeling of helplessness but it is there.

Ricky Shambles said...

Apparently, in the Republican Bible, Jesus said "Fuck the poor, bitches!" Or so a friend told me one time.

Boehner is my evil neighbor here, but we live in the land of the Devil Witch Jean Schmidt. Look her up sometime :(

Nomad said...

It could be worse. We could be living in (insert second/third world country) with a (dictator/non-elected president/junta/non-elected party/company) who is given money for (detaining/torturing/killing) his (sometimes her) fellow (I use loosely) citizens (he/she may not feel like they are) so as to seem respectable (again I use loosely) to the outside world (neighbours/allies/enemies) for keeping your citizens (see above) from (killing/bombing/destroying) other (western/NATO/Rich people) countries assets.
Here's to the rich fat asses living in our western democracies’ (loosely) government's capitol's voting to take away what we actually need instead of doing to us what their paying other governments (used loosely) to do to their (citizen/people).

Paradox Al said...

While Nomad's comments were a bit hard for me to read, I agree wholeheartedly.

I live in 3rd world country, and our politics are so frustrating and over the top retarded. To make matters worse, we have 3 majority races in my country with many other different minority races, and all of the races having their own religions and cultures. They keep saying in the tourism ads that our diversity is an awesome thing, but it's NOT!

Humans are just so selfish and intolerant! Just look at America, about 222 years old and ONLY one black president?! Even with most blacks being christian, people couldn't get over their racism.

My country's only about 50 years old, but how long is it going to take US to make progress? It's just so depressing.

Kal said...

It's always less green over the fence isn't it Al?

Oh and Nomad. Al was right. That took some real concentration to get through but what a brilliant way to express the point. I will be thinking about that comment ALL day.

Paradox Al said...

*sigh* True, it's so un-green here it's almost a grayish brown

Sarah said...

There are so many things wrong with the US it makes me want to cry.

But all I can do as an individual is choose a cause to champion and direct all my efforts into changing that one thing, in the hopes that it can make more changes later on or act as a catalsyst for bigger changes.

My personal cause would be abolishing the electoral college & the party system. Each candidate should be chosen based on where they stand on the issues, not whether they are a Dem or Rep. Too many people I know vote purely based on the candidate's party and not on where they actually stand on the issues.

And the electoral college is obsolete and should be removed. Even if the masses in America would still choose based on bad info. At least THEY would be choosing, not people chosen to represent the masses. We have the technology to count the so-called popular vote quickly and accurately, so why don't we take advantage of it?

Or I could move to Canada. Don't think it hasn't occurred to me :)

Kal said...

Well you are always welcome here. I like your change ideas especially since I have seen the stupid people the 'Teabaggers' have elected.

I would change your health care system from being FOR PROFIT.