Friday, March 18, 2011

Oh NOW He Wants My Help

I have to admit that the male cat sure looks like Admiral Fluffy, my tub and his babies. I think we are all off to the Maury Povich show for a round of feline DNA tests.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

I don't think Admiral Fluffy needs paperwork, does he? All you have to do is lift his tail and see if the boys are gone or not.

Kal said...

He just needs proof that he was unable to contribute to the concieving of those kittens who look exactly like him. I have those vet records. I am just sweating him a little because he chewed through my headphone cords.

DEZMOND said...

how on Earth did they manage to make all of those kitties stand still for a photo???? Did they glue them to the tub?

Kal said...

Probably photoshopped or fake kitties.