Wednesday, December 21, 2011

The Hobbit - First Trailer

Thanks to Parodox Al for sending this my way.


Kyna said...

Can't. Fucking. WAIT.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Oh, it looks worthy! Very worthy indeed!

Sarah said...

I dare Peter Jackson to do the Silmarillion!

But this does look awesome. I also think they should do an excerpt on the movie for Tom Bombadil.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I like how this one came out after LOTR. We are already so familiar with that world. You can't tell me you didn't sqee a little bit when you heard Golum's voice.

He can make the Silmarillion if someone can READ the Silmarillion. I know I couldn't on my first try.

DrGoat said...

I now have to live another year. I've been reading the Silmarillion over the last 30 yrs in bits and pieces and I might have read it all I think.
I would like to see Tom Bombadil. Very much.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I forget enough about the Hobbit to really want to see this one. It's sick that they get us all worked up a year before the movie comes out.