Monday, December 5, 2011

The Japanese Love Their Snow Games As Much As Canadians Do

How many millions of people in this world have never seen snow? What would it be like to be in your first big snowfall? It would feel like you just landed on another planet I figure.

When I lived in Europe as a kid we hadn't seen real snow in so long that my dad loaded us into the car one Sunday and drove us through the Black Forest to a high enough elevation that there was snow on the ground. I have to start scanning pictures from the old photo albums because I still have a picture from that day.

Leave it to the Japanese to make a crazy competition out of a little thing like a snowball fight. Nothing better than nailing someone with a nicely packed soaker to make you feel alive in this world. Outdoor dodge ball followed by hot chocolate or peppermint tea.

Yukigassen, literally meaning “snow battle”, originated around 20 years ago as a marketing scheme. The Mount Showa-Shinzan resort wanted to attract more tourists in the winter, so they devised this game, which certainly sounds like it could be a lot of fun. It is being described as a combination of chess, paintball and backyard brawling.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yeah, I read an article about this competition once. They have these really neat molds they use to make about 50 snowballs at a time. Each one perfect and uniform. Now that's Japanese technology at it finest!