Sunday, December 18, 2011

Snubbed AGAIN!

Once again my complaining has been overshadowed by a larger group of malcontents. I bitched about life for most of the year, doesn't that count for anything anymore? Can a brother get some love, TIME MAGAZINE? It's all a popularity contest anyway so keep your cover, ya bastards.

The future belongs to the young with their passion and their tweeting and their occupying and their rock and roll and their goofy headgear. I hope they take the winter, combine their forces, simply their message and really become a force for change in the Americas. The push back has been long in coming and it's long overdue. How much B.S. can a people take?

It's going to get ugly before it gets better but it always does get better, until we bomb Iran which will be no good for anyone. Good lord, read the tea leaves - WE ARE TIRED OF YOUR WARS!

"A little revolution now and then is a healthy thing, don't you think?"

Yes I do. As long as it's peaceful. Stand your ground and speak your mind. Let's see people become the focus over money and power. Give me something to celebrate before the meteor hits the planet and kills us all.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the New World, admiral.

Belle said...

I was so happy when they started protesting Wall Street etc. I thought, "Finally, the spirit of the sixties." Good for them. And yes, I do believe they will make things change for the better.

Sorry Time left you off the cover this year. There is always next year.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Your support keeps me going. I am glad that someone sees it my way.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, you might still make the cover of Maclean's?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Macleans's - those freakin' posers. They have had it in for me since that 'incident' at their Christmas party back in the early 90s.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I guess I will just have to settle for the cover of 'Better Caves and Gardens'.

M. D. Jackson said...

I think the protesters that TIME Magazine is referring to are the REAL protesters in Egypt and Syria who are actually risking their lives to bring democracy to their countries, and not the OCCUPY crybabies who are protesting because their lattes are too expensive.

That aside, you were robbed... again! Damn TIME Magazine!

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

It's not the occupy people's fault that they are not under real life and death hardship but the issues of inequality have to be addressed. Things just went to far with the greed and the suffering that resulted from that greed.