Monday, March 5, 2012

Places I Would Love To Visit

Arlington Row in Bibury - Gloucestershire, England | by © Anguskirk

The world famous terrace of cottages known as Arlington Row was originally built as a sheep-house in the 14th century. It was converted in the 1600’s to provide cottages for weavers who supplied cloth to the nearby Arlington Mill.
Later, Henry Ford tried to buy the entire terrace and ship it back to the U.S., but had to settle for a single cottage from a nearby village instead!

Naarden is a municipality and a town in the province of North Holland in the Netherlands, shaped in the form of a star. This small town is a textbook example of a popular style of fortification that evolved in Europe during the 16th century. Naarden’s star fortification is complete with fortified walls and a moat which are in as good as state as five centuries ago.


Wandering Coyote said...

I do believe I have been to Arlington Row!

Thanks for your positive comments on my blog lately - I really appreciate that!

Simon B said...

Bibury is a lovely little village but its rustic charms are often overpowered by the amount of tourists and buses thronging the narrow lanes. Still, you can always go and feed the fish at Bibury trout farm... always good for a laugh :-)