Sunday, March 25, 2012

Send This To Your Current Crush


Belle said...

If only people could find a partner who wanted to do the same things as them like in this list. When I look at marriages around me,(my own also), no one wants to do what the other person wants to do. So then they do nothing together. It's all find and dandy when people date, but after they marry it's, "Nah, I don't feel like doing that. I wanna watch T.V. (or play a video game, or read a book etc.) I think couples should make a huge effort to do what their spouse wants to do. Take turns every weekend. Okay, I'm done.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

This must be HER list. I suspect HIS has only one item on it.

Jaclyn said...

That is a real long list. Can you create a condensed version??? lol

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

You can pick and choose Jax. I am sure you can find lots in familiar with your boy.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I dated a girl once who loved to go to garage sales and the toy section of any store we went too. I am a great shopper. I love waiting for my girl to try on outfits while I shmooze with the shop girls.

DrGoat said...

I agree with Belle. My wife and I try to do that, as painful as it is sometimes. That's kind of what it's about. She sat through Soloman Kane with me the other nite and I spent the whole day at the street fair Saturday. It works 'cause we are very different in some of our tastes.

Sebastian Black said...

Dear Cal ...

Sebastian Black said...

...check fort
...check matching outfits
...check slurpees
...check six flags
...check mini-golf
Wait, sorry Cal, maybe I should have asked if your schedule was full first.