Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A - Z Blogging Challenge - The Letter 'K' - Kitty

You all know that my love for the domesticated kitty kat knows no limits. They are familiars who protect my soul from all the demonic forces out to get me - especially the mummies. Sometimes they speak to me and and I try to caption that message across to all who feel you can communicate too.

You think you got what it takes to caption a funny cat picture in the same style that your hero Cal does it? List your entries in the comment section and I will choose 4 winners this friday. Treat this as an opportunity to show your love to the old 'Cave of Cool'.






csmith2884 said...

"You must not read from the book of the dead." Kitty edition

Kelly Sedinger said...

A. "Klytus, I'm bored! What plaything can you offer me today?"

D. Pressing flowers? Sure. Pressing Fairies? Why not? But pressing kitties? Ummmm....