Sunday, May 13, 2012

We Needed To Re-label These Bastards To More Accurately Reflect Their True Nature


DrGoat said...

A few years ago, we had a wasp problem,...big yellow ones. One got in the house and I snuck up on him by the door. I had a flyswatter and as I raised it to bash him, he turned his head around and stared at me with a 'you better not fuck with me' look in his eye. I opened the door and he flew out. That chart is accurate.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

I had one in my pop once and I swallowed him only to have him come up my throat in a foul mood and stung me inside my mouth. I had no choice just to cruch down on the bastard. I remember he tasted like orange soda and my bile.

DrGoat said...

Jesus Cal. That's one for the Dread files. That sounds awful.

spiderkev said...

tracker jacker?