Saturday, June 30, 2012

Bollywood's Got Talent

How did this magnificent bastard escape my notice until now? Swear to god I am slippin' in my old age. I once could name you ten turban headed guys who played the electric piano - but today?


M. D. Jackson said...

Yes, but can is he deadly at throwing cutlery?

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

There is only ONE Blue Rajah.

DrGoat said...

Brethern, that is the great Korla Pandit, who appeared in Glenn or Glenda and friend of ED Wood. Look him up, he's groovy.

DrGoat said...

I stand corrected, he shows up in Ed Wood, the movie with Johnny Depp. A very funny movie. He was a lot older of course, but there pics of him in his heyday online.

Cal's Canadian Cave of Coolness said...

Are you freakin' kidding me? That is the truth? That Ed Wood sure surrounded himself with some goofy characters. Now I must know more about this magnificent bastard. You are a pal for bringing that to my attention. I love that for everything I don't know, you always fill in the blanks for me.

Arivremo said...

Yeah, Korla made an appearance as himself in the Ed Wood film. He is part of Crisswell's entourage... He looked odd and did not say a word and i read about him after that cause he did sure seem like on of those "weirdoes" (i'm quoting the movie) Ed wood ran with.