Sunday, October 14, 2012

Just When I Think I Have No Friends

I often leave packages unopened just so I can surprise myself when I am feeling down. I have a few friends in China (Chan and Tan) who I often send maple syrup and Tim Horton's coffee to.
They reciprocate by sending loose action figures for my collection. This morning I opened up their latest package and found that they had teamed up to send me my favorite cartoon as a kid. Birdman is still fantastic and I still love the music and sound effects that Hanna-Barbera put into their superhero projects.
This is a good day for Calvin.


Wings1295 said...

Very cool!

signed - A FRIEND

sheesh... LOL

Hobgoblin238 said...

I am still awaiting your package and will reciprocate as well!

Mike D. said...

This is a very cool DVD set I watch it until my eyes close bye themselves and the music permeates my brain and dreams and sends me on my own heroic adventures.
Moby Dick and Mightor also recently came out. Great stuff...has the same effect on me.

Kal said...

The Hurculoids is another set I want to get my hands on.