Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Seems Legit



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I forgot their was a time that furs were worn in public without red paint splatter all over them and would have been more readily available around the house.

Personally, I'm a bit more ruffled by the "We kept our retarded child at home" bit. Its a bit of an offsetting tagline in an age were we have so many human interest stories concerning the "inspirationally disadvantaged".

Kal said...

"inspirationally disadvantaged" is my new favorite phrase ever. Now THAT is brilliant.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Glad you like it Kal. It seems if you're playing a mentally handicapped person in Hollywood you get +20 Karma points. How else do you explain the incredible luck that people like Rain Man, Chance the Gardner and Forrest Gump had?