Saturday, February 9, 2013

Cosplay Of The Week



Debra She Who Seeks said...

I like the Batgirl and Robin duo and Calvin and Hobbes!

GC said...

I agree with Debra. I'd love to see my wife and son cosplay Batgirl and Robin at the next Austin ComicCon. Yes, I can dream. :/

Kal said...

Make it happen. If you start the costumes they will finish them. Do the Damian Robin. Which Batgirl version though. I would go with the black and gold look but that is me.

The Flying Dachshund said...

The Batgirl from the duo with the Damian Robin looks like the girl from the YouTube Batgirl the Series... It stars the Stephanie Brown version of the character, of course, and the 1st episode is pretty cool!!