Friday, February 8, 2013

This Also Doesn't Look Safe



Wings1295 said...

Kinda cool, if they don't get hot.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I like the idea, however the wording seems suspect.

Kal said...

It always comes down to the grammer with you, doesn't it Erik?

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Trust me Kal, you don't know the half of it. I frequently go on rants when someone ends a sentence with a preposition, and just last week I gave some guy the third degree for his incorrect use of "literally".

In regards to the picture, I was more concerned about "taking balls into the bathroom". Its sounds a bit icky.

Kal said...

Well it's not like the kid is going to wipe his bum with the glowball.

M. D. Jackson said...

Ohm now that's just icky!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

They'd be neat to juggle with in the dark, eh?