Friday, February 22, 2013

This Is Who You Cast As The MANDARIN??? I Am Not Impressed

Have any of your numnuts even READ an Iron Man comic. I suspect the reason they refused to cast a Chinese actor (like the great Chow Yun Fat) is that they didn't want to offend the huge Asian film market by having Iron Man lay a beating upon the Mandarin. What about offending ME with your ridiculous casting of Ben Kingsley? You can't get any more white than that. You Hollywood assholes don't seem to care to much about that, do you?

To me the Mandarin is clearly an Asian Overlord with a respect for the old ways. I hardly see him wearing sunglasses and combat pants. In comics, the toys and the animated Iron Series, he was clearly an Asian villain.


Of course if I had a choice the Mandarin would be the fantastic James Hong from Big Trouble in Little China and a billion other movies.


Hobgoblin238 said...


Hobgoblin238 said...

Dang it! I wrote out a bible to you to say thank you and blogger cannot post it...THANK YOU! For the wrestling figures. You will get a package as soon as I visit Texas. I think we will be there in March.

Unknown said...

I understand what you are saying Cal but I will hold my judgment until I see the movie because it might actually turn out better than expected...or worse lol.

M. D. Jackson said...

Okay: Given that Ben Kingsley's real name is Krishna Pandit Bhanji and that he is of Gujarati Indian Ismaili Muslim Khoja descent, I'd say that technically he qualifies as Asian. He is probably more legitimately Asian than Johnny Depp is Native, but he's still playing Tonto.

In fact, Kingsley is more Asian than Chris Hemsworth is Norse, and no one has a problem with him playing Thor!

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, the man played Gandhi. Cut him some slack.

Big J said...

I have to go with cal on this one, kind of like having idris Elba playing Heimdall in Thor. nothing against Elba, but in a Nordic culture. Why choose someone so far off. There are many excellent Asian actors who should play mandarin, Ken Watanabe, Stephen Chow, he'll even Jet Li, would be a reasonable choice. I can't wait to see Marvel's black panther movie, maybe they will cast the Rock as Man-ape.

Kal said...

It's just that they got the casting right with nearly every character in the Marvel movie universe that is bothers me that Kingsly seems so far off.

joe ackerman said...

if it'd been up to me, it would've been Jet Li in a white suit.

Kal said...

But Jet Li is just the front for his immortal father...kind of like a Fu Man Chu villain.