Thursday, March 21, 2013

If This Is How You Pass The Time....

Then you need to invest in a big screen TV and a satellite dish - or maybe a bowling alley. I know how easy it is for you Bedouins to get lost in a nice camel groom but THREE years work on a creature that can drop dead before you are half finished? That is taking a big risk as far as I am concerned. Then again, I might be biased because of all the things in this world that I could be allergic to, the only substance that makes my eyes water is camel hair.

The job takes about 3 years to make an engraved tatoo for an individual camels. First 2 years, there is just growing the hair and starts trimming. Inhabitant of desert does not use the iron engraved for the camels. They just cut and dye the camel hair.



Paladin said...

That's amazing... I never knew anyone did this.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Somebody's got too much time on their hands . . . .