Thursday, April 11, 2013

No Cold War Bear Is Gonna Tell ME What To Do On MY Blog

Lousy thug. He's probably from Omsk.


Jeremy [Retro] said...

hey, boss... been away today, got me catching up to do... on your post!

Kal said...

I missed you this morning to be honest. I hope it was worth the wait for you.

Konsumterra said...

when i was in good ol 80s commie russia i loved how if anything wasnt right they would just shrug as if to say not my fault sorry - this would be about a dozen times a day - thats what soviet bear should be doing

Kal said...

Even when they are caught in their paws in the honey jar they still made up lies. They lie about everything and judge what a person does harshly. Damn Judgement Bears.