Saturday, July 20, 2013

Another Meme About Me - 23 More Answers You Need To Know

21:What is your favorite font?
Who is asking? Why do you care, Officer?"
22:What is the highest number of cats you can imagine yourself owning?
I think 3 is reasonable. I have two that visit our place all the time so I have one main cat - The Admiral Fluffy Von Scootchie Balou (of the Manhattan Scootchie Baloues), and two garage cats, Bella and Domino.

23:What was your last date like?
Being ambushed by the Apache in the high desert.
24:Who are you?

A sad, sad, piece of humanity.
25:What is your least favorite illicit substance?
I make no apologies for enjoying a little of the Old Toby on occasion.
26:What is your opinion on 80's music?
You are talking about a time when music and video were one so that influenced what became popular and what I remember. I love 80s music. It actually doesn't all sound the same as today's top ten does. But I am past the age when I know anything that is good in the current genres of music. Everyone's musical knowledge just stops when they reach a certain age.
27:If you could add something to the high school curriculum, what would you add?
Self-defence - Tai Kwon Do or Karate or Tai Chi or a combination of them all. To build self-esteem. Fencing would be a nice thing too. More music and art appreciation and computer design.

28:What is your favorite album artwork?
Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here.
29:What is your favorite non-social networking website?

Calvin's Canadian Cave Of Cool - because it's cool.

30:What is your favorite boy band?
Menudo (don't judge me) because I support the Special Olympics

31:What is your least favorite casual dining establishment?


32:You are allowed one beverage and one candy for the rest of your life. What would you choose?
Pepsi in glass bottles And Rocky Road Chocolate Bars

33:If you had to be stranded somewhere on Earth, miles from civilization, what biome would you choose and why?

The Arctic Biome. The humid jungle or the hot desert would kill me quick.
34:What is your preferred projectile?
The Glaive

35:You have inherited a nightclub in a major city. What modifications would you make to it?
Why would I keep it as a nightclub? Maybe something a lot less noisy and sticky. Maybe a nice steak restaurant with a comic book theme. Then I could buy more toy stuff and display my collection and write the whole collection off as a business expense.
36:What have you done recently to dismantle the patriarchy?
Do I not tell you about all the times I fight the MAN. I am one who knows how the MAN keeps a brother down. 
37:What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying?
When I heard Carly Rae do her 'Call Me Maybe' song at Canada Day I can finally put that one to rest.

38:What is your favorite piece of clothing?
My rawhide gloves with native beadwork. I want a nice Soviet fur hat.

39:What was the most awkward moment of your romantic history?
They were all awkward moments.
40:What brought you to Tumblr?
The pictures of course!

41:What product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced?

Your Momma - I mean, really? Shouldn't she be giving out discounts by now?
42:Why did you send the last anonymous Tumblr message you sent?
To support someone who was being abused by trolls.             

43:What is your favorite speech?



M. D. Jackson said...

That's one of my favorite speeches and Branagh gives it everything.

M. D. Jackson said...

...and obviously it had a big effect on young Christian Bale there, because it inspired him to go on and become Batman...

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

These look like some questions I could easily apply to my own ongoing bio. Especially that one about favorite clothing. I have a corduroy jacket that my mother does not like, but Chema once told me that it was "Damn Sexy", so I will never be rid of it! She even bought me a hat to match it.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I've never had a Rocky Road chocolate bar. Oh well, more for you.