Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Another Meme About Me - Another 20 Answers

1:If you were of the opposite gender, what name would you want to have?
Emma or Emily

2:If you could witness any historical event in person, which one would it be and why?

The birth of Jeebus and Man's landing on the Moon. Just to make sure they actually occurred the way we have been told they did.

3:What kind of sandwich best describes your personality?
A Hero - man, you couldn't make it easier to answer could you?

4:If your crush or significant other were to turn into a ferret, what would you do? Would you still like/love them?

Yes I would still love them but expect a lot less from them than I did when they were a person. And I would not expect her to be jealous if I start to date other woman. YOU BECAME A FERRET I REFUSE TO DATE OUTSIDE OF MY SPECIES. Though ferrets are pretty cute animals, so....

5:If you became dictator of your country, and you can enact one law that could not be repealed once you are forcibly removed from office, what would that law be?

Tax the rich who have made much money under my benevolence and generous human resources policy. (I let them live if they do what I say)

6:What is your opinion of Canada?

If you think there is a better country in the world then you don't know anything and should make an effort to educate yourself. If you refuse to do that then I can't help you or the shithole of a country you a currently living in.

7:What is your spirit animal?

The powerful and judgemental polar bear.

8:If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose?

9:What was the last movie you chose not to watch?

My mother was watching some movie about the end of the world and putting God on trial. It was so tedious that I couldn't be bothered to mock it while she watched it. I didn't even go full snark on the film on this blog. It was so bad and so blatantly skewed to the 'rapture' crowd that it truly was beneath my notice...as are other such stupid things as Scientology and Creationism.
10:If you were a farmer, what would you grow?
A few acres of the finest of the Old Toby. And I would have cherry trees and lots of berry bushes for my smoothies.

11:What do you miss the most?
Getting a phone call from a friend. Going to a movie with a friend. Having a friend.
12:What is your favorite sequel film?
Can't do better than The Empire Strikes Back or Star Trek II - The Wrath Of Khan               

13:Rural area, small town, suburb, or big city?

I like the size of my town. 100,000 people and that is the just the right size.
14:What's your favorite branch of the military?
Even though my Dad was in the Artillery I joined Air Cadets because I wanted to fly
15:What year of school was best for you?
Kindergarten - then it was all downhill from there. I am in the front row, second from right.

16:What is your favorite month, excluding whichever month contains your birthday?
May because that meant that the school year was almost finished and we were on the downslide to summer vacation.
17:What is your favorite type of pie?

18:Do you enjoy being single?
I've resigned myself to dying alone. I mean if someone as cute and funny and smart as Danielle is single then what chance does sad old troll like me have? Who could love me?
19:Do you prefer rivers, lakes, or oceans?
I like to look at the bodies of water but I have a fear of going into them. I love boating and putting the bait on the hook but once the fish bites, someone else better grab that wriggling fish or I will throw the entire fishing rod into the water. I hate when 'things' brush up against me in the ocean. 7/10ths of the freakin' planet and you can't give me my personal space? Stupid fish and their tentacle buddies.
Floating down a river is nice if the conditions are right and I have my own boat with an umbrella and a harpoon for my own safety and the safety of the group. Nothing may happen, but you will be happy we had it with it if the shit goes down. Just saying.

20:If you had to have one feature on your body changed to a canine version of said feature, what would you choose?
The obvious answer is larger fangs because that would look cool. Mabye those tusk/fangs like Abbey Bominable has. I wouldn't mind a thicker coat in the winter but that would mean too much shedding in the spring. So I'll go with the fangs.



Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

The last movie I decided not to watch was some rom-com Lifetime Movie of the Week that starred Gerald Butler that my parents rented from the Redbox. The only way it could only have said "Stay Away!" any more is if someone wrote out "Radioactive" in feces right on the disk itself.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Damn right about # 6.

M. D. Jackson said...

Cherry pie and coffee. Mmmmm.

david_b said...

"Who could love you...?"


Naaah, just kidding ~ We all do, Cal.

Nathan said...

What about Jesus' landing on the Moon?