Sunday, July 7, 2013

Favorite Costumes In Comic Books - Number 4 - Harley Quinn

In all the years that Batman and Robin fought the Joker, the Joker never had a sidekick to aid him in his crimes in the way that Batman could always rely on Robin. When The Batman Adventures came along Bruce Timm and Paul Dini came up with the perfect henchwoman for the Clown Prince of Crime and introduced Dr Harleen Quinzel - a psychiatrist working to make the Joker sane at Arkham Asylum.

Dr. Quinzel was a normal girl until she met the Joker. Despite that fact that he never treated her very well, she was totally devoted to him and thinks of the Joker as her boyfriend and calls him pet names like 'Puddin'.
I love the variety of ways that a cosplayer can dress up like Harley. All you need are the red and black color and harlequin mask and you are off and running. As of late in the comics and on video games Harley has changed her one piece hooded costume for something sexier, if that is even possible.




Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I brilliantly simple and effective design. I'm not a fan of the new design with the gothy corset and fishnets because I think its a look that is trying too hard. I do like this hoodie look, as it in keeping with the "fun" of the character.

Kal said...

Thanks you for being the only person to comment on this series of posts and for everything else you contribute to my blog. You should start your own blog but maybe no because it would soon rival my own. You are a big part of my success my friend....such as it is.

the Trash Man said...

she is easily one of the most [if not the most] inspired and iconic comic characters created in the last 25 years. very rare for any "new" creations, but especially a villain [a female villain] who first appeared somewhere other than the printed page.

Kal said...

She was the perfect addition to the dynamic between the Joker and her stuff she did later with Poison Ivy and Catwoman are classics.

the Trash Man said...

The Gotham City Sirens title was one of my favorites prior to DC's Nu-52 "relaunch". i was sad to see it go and to see Harley, Ivy and Selina reduced to their current states.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Harley Quinn's had an impact on more than just you Kal. My neighbor's thirteen year old daughter Harleigh was named after her (even if it is spelled differently)

Oh and thank you for your thanks to me. I just comment and share stuff that I like. The reason I don’t do that on my Illustrator blog is because I want to keep that page professional and ready for client viewing. The problem so far has been getting a turnaround together on my art. (I’m very particular about my work and it tends to slow me down, especially when I don’t seem to an audience to play to because I’m not getting enough material out there. (Isn’t that just the way of things?)

Then again, why should I let my Pinterest and Tumblr pages have all the fun? If I want a professional front, than that’s what my “official website” is for (the one I’m paying for anyway). If I want to write about my favorite comics, illustrations, pop culture whatever, League of Extraordnairy Blogger posts and personal anecdotes than why not? Those are things that I find funny and inspiration, and I always love sharing stuff that inspires me. That’s why the blog was getting so much attention in the first place, because of those “inspirational illustration” posts that I was doing. They were attracting followers because I was posting them on Facebook and Tumblr. I stopped because it was cutting into my illustration time because I was posting too much too quickly. If I pace myself, I think I might be able to generate more followers, comments, and better yet, ideas for my own new projects (maybe even some helpful hints and constructive criticism from viewers) It’s just a matter of getting started!

Kal said...

That's all I had to do, just get started. Then I found some good source material and I was off and running.

Dr. Theda said...

Thank you for this great Joker / Harley Quinn post good Sir Kal....

Timothy S. Brannan said...

Gotta love Harley! Brilliant because it gives the Joker something that the Bats never seems to get, a love. Offsets them even more.