Friday, July 19, 2013

This Doesn't Look Legit

Unless someone found a spaceship in the deserts of Judea.


bliss_infinte said...

That's just how things happened in MY bible! Turns out Jesus was a Xenomorph.

Kal said...

Who knew. Those chicks do love the tentacles.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Maybe that's the Horned Beast of the Apocalypse which appears in the future at the End of Days.

Professor Chaos said...

Legit or not, I want to read that!

david_b said...

That's way too funny, love it..!!

Kal said...

Yeh Prof, I need to see what the hell this abomination is all about.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Don't feel bad if you don't remember this Bible story. Haggai is buried at the back of the Old Testament.

profsafety said...

I must have missed those parts when I was reading it before.