Monday, August 5, 2013

1956 General Motors Technical Center

It took thirty years...but when Shirley went off, she took the rest of the building with her. Some claim is was a tumor in her brain but I know it was that desk that drove Shirley crazy.

"Please don't make me sit behind it again!" she would beg but he pleas went unanswered. So decade after decade the resentment for both the company and especially the desk, grew. I will spare you the gruesome details of that final day but you should know that the only thing that survived the carnage was the desk. Somethings are built to last.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Speak for yourself Shirley, I would love to have a desk like that.

DrGoat said...

Me too. Looks like Shirley could go into orbit with that desk.

Professor Chaos said...

Oh my God, that is the coolest desk ever.

Kal said...

It's a horror to sit behind despite how it looks from the front.