Friday, September 20, 2013

Jaimie Alexander - Wonder Woman

I have absolutely nothing against this idea. This is Jaimie Alexander as Sif in the next THOR movie. Someone just added the Wonder Woman title to make an excellent point. She would be a great Princess Diana. She plays one hell of a Lady Sif in the Thor movies and I would like to see her have a glorious death in that trilogy so that she can go off and become Wonder Woman and we get a live action movie made of the Amazon Princess already. It's been long enough. DC is so freakin' stupid. They neglect one of the pillars of their main TRILOGY of characters.

Look at 'Kingdom Come'. It's the conflict between Wonder Woman and Batman - the heart and mind of Superman - that make that whole story work. The way Batman calls her 'Princess' with a sneer and she replies that his is a worthless 'Aristocrat' who has earned nothing in his life. THAT is the way the two characters need to confront each other. That is before becoming friends and sharing a burger and milkshake together with their old buddy, Superman.

But then there is a lot to be said of the relationship Wonder Woman and Batman had in the Justice League cartoon. If you have forgotten I repeat the end of  the 'This Little Piggy' episode. It has the best ending ever and I defy you not to smile and maybe even get choked up a little. You have all seen the whole thing so I just posted the ending. I couldn't find the full episode on the You Tubes. All you need to know going into this clip is that Circi has turned Wonder Woman into a piggy and Batman makes a deal with her to reverse the spell because all magic has it's 'price'.


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

If Daredevil can be Batman I can't see why Sif can't be Wonder Woman.

Kal said...

Again you are being remarkably supportive. You got he plague or something?

Kal said...

Again you are being remarkably supportive. You got he plague or something?