Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"Member? You 'Member?

Greatest movie poster of all time?


Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Good sure. Classic, definately. Greatest? Hm. Potentially. I may have to look through the files for my own best movie poster pick to see whether Star Wars or Indiana Jones reign supreme.

Unknown said...

I have it framed in my basement. Original from 1977.

D.I. Felipe González said...

Best poster for best movie! It´s an interesting illustration since it shows pre-production art.

Kal said...

That is sweet, Wayne. I wish I still had the one that hung in my room. I just love that poster.

david_b said...

I still have mine from May, 1977, NEVER hung. Been rolled up pristine all these years. I should have bought two of 'em..

My Dad bought me mine mere minutes before we first saw it together.

david_b said...

I'd also say it was THE GREATEST..

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Alright I looked over what I consider to be movie poster greats and I concede to your point, this is indeed the greatest.

Kal said...

Holy crap. I should mark this day in my calendar. Agreement from Erik and no argument to be had to the contrary. Are you ill, my brother.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

No, get tired.

Also, I was originally going to say that the poster for Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom was the greatest but comparing the two, the Indy poster is a simpler, moodier piece while this Star Wars poster crackles with raw power.

Unknown said...

Kal, mine is a well loved poster that hung with tacks in my room for years as a kid. We found it in the attic of my parents house before they moved. The framers managed to hide the tack holes with the matting and frame.

My favorite Star Wars Poster of all time.