Thursday, September 19, 2013

New To The Collection Of Cool

I really need some help photographing these figures in the box because every time I try to take a decent photo I either get the flash reflecting back at me or the picture turns out too dark and out of focus.

This weekend our local Toys R Us had a great sale on Monster High figures and I had to check it out. I was happy to come away with not only another ABBEY BOMINABLE (my favorite) but also two great looking Draculaura and Frankie Stein dolls from the 'Haunt the Casbah' series. Even that title is cool.

Not only do these display well, each figure is also brilliantly designed and accessorized. It's nice to see that kind of design skill applied to what can be classified as girl toys but still have appeal to anyone out there who likes the look of a beautiful figure.



Michael Lynn P. said...

I love these! I haven't gotten any of these yet, but I love the Music Festival series and the Casbah series too. The whole look and everything is just so cute and fun with these dolls. I'm glad to see they keep getting more and more inventive. Glad you got these!

Kal said...

I am just too damn impressed with these to keep them out of my collection. Everything about them is cool. These three were a steal so that makes it twice as good.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Try taking the photos outside.

Kal said...

DUH! I never thought about that.