Wednesday, September 25, 2013

TV Times

"This is a disaster."
"No, it's an origin story."

So much good stuff on at the start of the years. Let's be honest. New Years Eve is not the beginning of the year. September is. It's when school begins again and the new crop of TV shows are delivered. Some will be dismal and deserved failures. But others will be great. Agents of SHIELD feels like one of those epic shows that I will be watching every week. The wonderful weirdness of 'Fringe' without a lot of the family relationship dynamics to slow things down - just the kind of thing there is never enough of on TV.

And I know Coulson is an LMD. (Life Model Decoy). Okay, his death was real and he can never know he is a robot. I am glad they didn't spend any more than ten seconds explaining why Coulson didn't die in the Avengers movie. Or at least that was the cover story. His return is a mystery for another day and I hope they drop lots of clues to keep us guessing. If they preserved his brain waves to implant into a robot then it's not such a leap to see Coulson evolving into the VISION in the next Avengers movie. Especially when Ultron (the inventor of VISION) is involved.

The pilot moved with confidence and I love all the little spy gadgets. Lola the car is a flying car! I loved that homage to the old Nick Fury comic books. It had to be a flying car. I will be let down if its NOT a flying car.

The fight scenes were brutal and realistic. What the hell is this, the Bourne Bond Identity? I appreciated the effort. It turned these agents into the super agents they need to be. The best of the best.

Nice to see Colbie Smulders as Agent Hill from the Avengers movie. Continuity seems to be the most important part of the show's 'Bible'.

Great to see Agent Coulson again too. The actor who plays him, Clark Gregg has great comedic timing and rounds out a strong cast of young unknowns.

Ron Glass from Barney Miller and Firefly is another great addition and Ming-na Wen is always reliable in these genre shows. I miss her from the lost and lamented Stargate Universe.

The script zipped along and created a totally believable world of secret agents and the secrets they keep. I am looking forward to all the other cool Marvel Easter eggs that they will no doubt pepper throughout the show.


DrGoat said...

Not bad for a first show. I guess there won't be Thor or Ironman showing up, but I'll get over it. Looking forward to see what they come up with.

Kal said...

Superheroes are superheroes. I like the way they handled the guy with powers in the pilot. Saving them to use them later on. I hope they don't just store them and bring them back.

Anonymous said...

I too enjoyed it. It's about TV became fun again and not a reality show. Beauty.

bliss_infinte said...

I'm not a big general TV watcher but I checked this out because I think the Marvel movies and continuity is fantastic. I loved the comic book feel of the pilot as well as the cliff-hanger and continued story arcs. The show was actually quite funny and I loved all the tiny marvel references. It does feel like part of the Marvel Movie Universe. And yeah, the flying car was superb!

John Sholtz said...

I enjoyed this show and the DC crossover comment regarding a billionaire who dresses as a flying mouse was awesome.