Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Wednesday Image Blizzard









Kelly Sedinger said...

My new goal is to make it into one of your Avalanche posts!

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

* Harley's giving me a guilt trip look. I'm supposed to be drawing her comic, but instead I'm viewing this post. At least I can tell her that I'm over half done and still have a week and a half until the deadline. (Hopefully that will be enough time)

* Maria? What are you up to?

* Where can I go were woman strip down to the skin in the frozen tundra. The painting itself was done by Vancouver based artist Ryan Heshka. Perhaps its set in British Columbia.

* Whoa! Forget those frozen fannies! Who is that?! Must be someone important for Batman to personally gird her loins.

* Ah, "Velocity", I remember buying her #1 as a kid, because it was a #1 and that meant it was going to be valuable right? So naive.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

That Dr. Doom hoodie rocks!