Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Gentlemen, We Have Ourselves A Wonder Woman

Gal Gadot has been cast as Wonder Woman in Batman vs. Superman, the follow-up to Man of Steel.

Gadot, an Israeli-born actress who was seen in Fast and Furious 6, joins Henry Cavill, who is reprising his role as Superman and Ben Affleck, who is playing Batman. She's a beautiful woman but needs about 15 lbs of muscle to really do the role justice if these pictures are recent. I am just happy we have SOMEONE cast and finally we will see Wonder Woman on the big screen.



Timothy S. Brannan said...

She could work.

I'd like to see her bulk a bit yo play Diana.

Kal said...

15 - 20 lbs of muscle. She needs to look a bit ripped to pull off the illusion. I am interested how they are going to introduce her because I understand that her and Batman are not big roles.

Now this means we will get her own live action WW movie. It's a good day to be a fan.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

I certainly didn't think I'd see it in my lifetime.

Kal said...

Let's just ride the wave of possibilities my brother.

Combo said...

Either she hits the gym or just leave it at the hands of the guys in the CGI and special effects department.