Monday, December 9, 2013

In Case You Have Questions

Many of you will look at her finger and be a little freaked out. It does look a bit 'off' I'll admit. It's also the only thing that the Octopus Cloning Tanks can't replicate. It's how I know it's always the real Selena that I am fighting besides. They have long since stopped trying to defeat me with that tired old scheme. Clones are soooo 1970.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

And how does she know that YOU'RE not a clone?

DrGoat said...

That does look a bit like the girl in The Grudge. I heard she did a bit of cursing when they had technical difficulties with the sound system.

Kal said...

Cool. You never see her react like that. She must have been pissed. I can't believe I haven't seen that clip. Someone must have recorded it. It's the Truman Show out there.

Erik Johnson Illustrator said...

Looks like shes trying to replicate her animated counterpart's hairstyle from "Hotel Transylvania".